Random thoughts in a busy life

Sunday, August 14, 2005

plan, objective and self-management

I turned on the music and put on the headset. Every single note flew into my heart... What a wonderful experience! I have not got chance and time to listen to music for a long long time.

My baby was born on April 22. I was busy as crazy. Almost everything was changed after he was born. Recent changes in my work. It is a crazy ride.

Busy I can handle it. I remember one of my friend's wife said one thing sometime back. She said it does not matter much how much load you have in your time. You will survive it OK. What really kills you if your mode or your feeling or your inner self. If your inner self is not happy, then sooner or later you will feel the pain.

I really can feel her words. So that is the reason that I should learn to cope with my mode and my feelings.